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Pintura Macy obtains the EU Ecolabel

Pinturas Macy obtains the EU Ecolabel from the President of Castilla-La Mancha, José María Barreda.


Jose María Barreda has visited Pinturas Macy´s facilities as an opportunity to award the company´s General Manager, Ángel Cantos, with the EU Ecolabel. This honor is a guarantee of the company´s firm commitment for environment, complying with the national and international standards of sustainability, reducing environmental impact caused by industrial activity and manufacturing increasingly respectful products with our ecosystem.


During the visit, the President of the region has stressed the company´s concern for exportation and internationalization of its products, searching new markets and offering the highest quality.

In the same way, Mr. Barreda has acknowledged how the factory´s modern facilities rely on the latest manufacturing techniques, research on its new products and constant renovation to become a model company all around Europe”.


Pinturas Macy distributes its products in all the EU and part of South-America, establishing business relationships with different countries largely interested in the quality of the production, the efficiency of the operations, the prices and the distribution.


As a result, the company has been rewarded with a rapid growth and an unprecedented international recognition. According to the regional President, the company is fully worth of this green label resulting from its commitment for quality and environment”.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno