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How to paint with MACY-CHALK PAINT

Chalk paint is perfect to restore or renovate your furniture and other decorative objects. Since it does not need previous priming  nor sanding, it is easy to use. We will show your how to paint with it here below.

As already known, PAINT MACY-CHALK has been one of our 2017 innovations. It has been launched in different tones, grouped in INTENSOS, PASTELES and METALLIC. Almost 30 different colors to satisfy all tastes and to give a new breath to every object you may imagine.

MACY-CHALK can be applied on any surface: wood, glass, metal, stone,… It provides a flat matt finish with a velvety touch. Let’s see how to use it step by step:

  1. Clean thoroughly the furniture piece or the decorative object. It is important to remove all rests of dust, dirt or grease. You may use any type of soap or even thinner.
  2. Even if it does not need previous sanding, we recommend you to sand the surface till it is perfectly clean and smooth. If any imperfection is found –as rests of varnish- persist in sanding.
  3. Once the wood is sanded and visible –having removed any coat of varnish- apply a primer.
  4. When the object ready, it is time to paint. We recommend you to do it with a thin brush of soft bristles. If you are concerned about painting marks, consider that chalk paint offers a rustic finish, with a texture-aged look. But if it does not convince you, a roller may be employed to prevent painting marks. Anyway, it takes practice.
  5. Apply as many coats of chalk paint as needed till reaching the desired finish. For some, one single coat will be enough; for others, 4-5 coats will be needed. Variety is the spice of life.
  6. Finish the process by varnishing or waxing. You may choose MACY-CHALK WAX, a protective colorless wax providing a subtle sheen and durability, and enhancing the final appearance. Or MACY-CHALK VARNISH, a clear and matte varnish that you can use as an alternative protection against small scratches and scuff marks.

With these 6 simple steps, you may hold in your hands a unique decorative piece, worthy of pride. Tell us, have you ever used this kind of paint?

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