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Yellow and blue, a perfect combination

Blue and yellow suit perfectly and they give as result rooms with a modern and optimistic atmosphere, open to endless decorative possibilities. Having an opposite position in the color wheel, a decoration with yellow and blue is a proposal full of contrast, ideal to any room in the house- bedroom, dining-room, kitchen or bathroom.

Blue and yellow suit perfectly and they give as result rooms with a modern and optimistic atmosphere, open to endless decorative possibilities. Having an opposite position in the color wheel, a decoration with yellow and blue is a proposal full of contrast, ideal to any room in the house- bedroom, dining-room, kitchen or bathroom-.

While yellow boots mental activity and gives off energy, happiness and optimism, blue conveys peace, quietness and rest. For this reason, if you chose this combination, you will undoubtedly get a well-balanced and warm home space, likely to be fully enjoyed.

A timeless proposal

Each color offers a wide range of hues, being necessary to decide between soft or intense ones. If your option is softness, you will get a relaxing and well-balanced atmosphere; if you opt for intensity, the result will be an exciting ambiance, full of energy. Your decision depends on the usage expected for each room. Another consideration regarding the devoted purpose of each room, is the possibility of highlighting one color over the other, or both at the same time.

One of the advantages of this chromatic duo, is its timeless dimension, being thus ideal for any season of the year. Playing with yellow and blue in autumn provides warmth, and doing it in spring or summer gives your rooms joy and happiness, and even reminiscences of your holidays. Impossible not to give in to its charms!

When having to decide the rest of decorative elements to combine with blue and yellow, the most appropriate are neuter colors, like white, gray or black. These colors work as intermediary, providing balance and harmony to our proposal. If you opt for other colors, green or orange are an excellent choice, but always in small doses, since you run the risk of overdoing your room.

As you see, decorating with blue and yellow is a safe bet which gives your endless possibilities. Are you ready?

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno