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Macy Decoración y más

How to paint a room to make it look bigger

Paint gives us the possibility of playing with space and its perception. When we have to paint a small room, choosing the most suitable colors and finishes will help you to make it look bigger.

As well as paint can affect lighting, and colors can provide warmth to a space, the correct painting of a small room can give us the impression of spaciousness.

Basic knowledge on the use of colors and their combination, on the distribution of furniture and on the right play of lights, may enlarge the appearance of a room, making it look warmer and more pleasant.

1. Choose light colors: white is not the only option; beige, vanilla, or even grey, are all bright and  cozy options. If you are fond of them, do not exclude dark colors neither: green, blue… All of them may give as result warmer spaces. The purpose of the room is something to consider: a bathroom or the dining-room, the painting project will be different.

2. Avoid contrasts: employ just one color and play with its different tonalities to create contrasts. The same may be done with the furniture. Select similar hues for decoration too to ensure balance, especially if your option are neutral colors.

3. Less is more: this premise may be applied to painting too, particularly if our intention is to visually enlarge a room. Over-decoration will reduce the sensation of spaciousness.

4. Care for decoration: apart from choosing similar colors to the walls paint or avoiding over-decoration, it is recommended to go for small-sized pieces of furniture. Better if they are white, since they will reflect light, visually enlarging the room. Besides, if you include a mirror in your decoration, that sensation will be greater.

5. Keep your home organized: even if is a simple rule, keeping your rooms in order will make them look bigger and cleaner, specially all those transit areas. Organization and neatness will keep your body and mind balanced and clean too.

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